Writings: Thay, on the time before…

Remembering the time before...
Remembering the time before…


Many of us don’t remember this, but a long time ago, we lived inside our mother’s wombs. We were tiny, living human beings. There were two hearts inside your mother’s body: her own heart and your heart. During this time your mother did everything for you; she breathed for you, ate for you, drink for you. You were linked to her through your umbilical cord.

Oxygen and food came to you through the umbilical cord, and you were safe and content inside of your mother. You were never too hot or too cold.

You were very comfortable. You rested on a soft cushion made of water. In China and Vietnam we call the womb the PALACE OF THE CHILD. You spent about nine months in the palace.

The nine months you spent in the womb were some of the most pleasant times of your life.

Then the day of your birth arrived. Everything felt different around you, and you were thrust into a new environment. You felt cold and hunger for the first time. Sounds were too loud; lights were too bright. For the first time, you felt afraid. This is original fear.

– Thich Nhat Hanh

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