Writings: Filling the picture, with Emily Carr

This is a little bit from Canadian artist Emily Carr, one of my favourite folk:
“Remember, the picture is to be one concerted movement in a definite direction for a definite purpose, the expression of a definite thought. All its building is for that thought, the bringing into expression and the clothing of it.
“Therefore if you have no thought that picture is going to be an empty void, or worse still, a confusion of cross purposes without a goal. So old girl, be still and let your soul herself find the thought and work upon it. She alone understands and can communicate with her sister out in nature.
“Let her do the work and, restless workers, running hither and thither with your smelling, looking, feeling, tasting, hearing, sit still till your Queen directs but do not fall asleep while you wait – watch.”
Emily Carr

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