Happy Solstice, dear angel!
As many people in the world celebrate this Summer Solstice, I hope this day finds you listening to the love around you & finding the chances we have, to share & to give, and that it finds you smiling.
I hope this day finds you connecting.
Connecting with your father. And your mother. And the angels who got
you here.
Connecting with the friend you meant to call & haven’t yet. Call now.
Connecting with that friend you call too much. Call anyway.
Connecting with that old grudge & calling her. Calling him. Hard call, but
a chance to release and (I hope this for you, and for me) to forgive.
Connecting with the part of your heart that opens walls, opens the locks,
and lets the light in. Then call.
Within the embrace of your love, I hope you feel that love returned.
Love, Brother Ian

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