Intuitives: Jane Kennard

What’s it like to talk to people who have passed away? And….when they talk to you?
Last night, we went attended a session in Victoria, BC which featured a woman who does just that. About 125 folks showed up to hear what Jane Kennard would offer as she channeled four different guides.
Over the course of nearly an hour & a half, she answered the questions of people in attendance – sometimes very specific, sometimes general – which was greeted by the questioners with appreciative nods, that the responses were in touch.
How does all this work? Jane explains in her website:
When I channel, I begin by tuning in to the energies around the people that I am with. If the session is for an individual, I will see a few beings and hear their words. If it’s for a group, I’ll see a huge crowd of beings and feel their support and love. I take a deep breath, bringing light into every part of my body. I say my own little prayer and ask my guide to take care of me. Then it’s like flying away. I have no knowledge of the words that come through, but trust that they would be acceptable to me. When I return I feel calm and peaceful.
Sometimes I’m asked why I can do this when others are not able to. I believe it’s a talent-like having an artistic ability or perfect pitch. It comes more easily to some people, however we all have the capability to learn. If you would like to develop this ability, I would suggest searching out classes and reading books. Speak openly of your desire and you will be led in the direction that is right for you. How do you know if it’s right? Let your heart lead you. Listen within yourself for what resonates and feels true for you. We all have different ways of connecting with spirit.
Here’s a little video that will give you a taste of what experiencing Jane’s channeling felt like/looked like. You can also take a look at her website, here.
Last night’s event was sponsored by the Meetup Group called the Victoria Metaphysical and Intuitive Development Group, with Dawn & Sarah organizing the evening. Their next presentation will be October 11th….check it out!
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