Writings: Time for a tv timeout
Over the past month or so, one of the stories that keeps playing in my head is this:
The “news” keeps us from knowing what’s going on.
You know it’s true: We have friends to feed in parts of the world, and in parts of the towns we live in (wherever we live!) who need to eat & don’t have enough, but we’ll do that after the Olympics is over. Maybe.
We have people around us who need a hug. Who need a raincoat. Who need counseling to sort out those angry flashes in their head.
People who need a voice.
When you look them in the eye, you know it’s time to share. You can feel it. When you look at the television, you can feel that, too, but its job is to quiet your anger & shift where you focus, away.
In hockey games & in American football, there is a planned timeout halfway through the period that is simply a tv timeout, so they can run ads. Nobody’s tired & the coaches don’t NEED the timeout, and sometimes it even messes up your team’s momentum.
Maybe we can reverse that. Take a timeout from the television & its pretend news, and take a look around at the real news. With people we can actually touch & feel & hear & see, in living colour.
Way cooler.
Love you –
Brother Ian
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(1 Comment)
Hi Ian, That is so true it hurts. Thank you for exposing it for what it is.
Thought for the day…
-- Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
About Brother Ian
Over the centuries, Brother Ian has been collecting stories & information & discourses for the purpose of elevating the human condition as needed, dissecting it when necessary, and building the case for hope.
In the spirit of noting that organized crime, organized baseball, organized labour, and organized religion tend to engender controversy & occasional discord, I promise to be neither organized or critical of those who are.
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